Doubling down on Impact.
A lot happened for REC in 2022. Exciting announcements about expansion, celebrity backed investments, brand partnerships - but nothing compares to the tremendous growth from our community this past year. Individuals elevating to new heights. Building legacies. Creating a sustainable career for themselves.

I'm forever amazed by the people here. What they create. Why they create. Watching folks bring to life their ideas & having people to share it with. Each year when gathering the data for how our community has engaged with REC, and how REC has impacted its members -- I'm reminded that each data point is a human touch point. A moment that could have made a difference in a life long journey to create & do more of what we all love. When I saw that REC paid out over half-a-million dollars to Creators in 2022...all I could think of was the thousands of moments & opportunities that translated to over the year.
From performances and sound engineering gigs, to filming Jason Kelce's non-profit launch event, to festival performances, to REC’s own programming series, the wide range of paid gigs for members continues to get wider and deeper. More brands & organizations are taking note on how REC can help them connect with the creative community -- and every time a new partner understands how REC can serve them -- more local creators are getting paid to do what they love.

The impact nearly doubled in 2022, and that is the trend we are looking to continue in 2023. Growing impact. Connecting creators to brands. Connecting creators to each other. And now we get the opportunity to connect cities. I can't wait to report on the impact we create nationally with multiple locations up & running. More on that in the 2023 Impact report. Until then, enjoy our 2022 impact report.
Co-Founder & CEO,
Dave Silver